

Separation walls

STACK Data Centre
While being one of Australia’s biggest data centre, Hickory group faced a challenge to run pipes and penetrations through fire walls. Since they can’t be done unless all walls are in place. Supapanel team suggested multiple solutions to cater all the problems, allowing walls to be built horizontally and eliminating all issues for every scenario.
Being almost 6.4M tall in each level, Supapanel had a massive advantage due to its unrestricted 6.5M span and allowed for walls being built without needing any extra bracing or stiffeners.
Over 7000 sqm of Supapanel!
-Fire separation walls
-Corridor walls
-6.5M high fire walls
-Shafts & Risers
Project specific details

All drawings & details are provided as performance solution & are project specific. please contact us prior any use as it requires verification.

All drawings & details are provided as performance solution & are project specific. please contact us prior any use as it requires verification.

All drawings & details are provided as performance solution & are project specific. please contact us prior any use as it requires verification.

All drawings & details are provided as performance solution & are project specific. please contact us prior any use as it requires verification.